Thursday, August 27, 2009

Other Costs in a Georgia Divorce

Other Costs in a Georgia Divorce

In this blog, we want to try to give you some good, practical information and tips about Georgia divorces and Georgia divorce attorneys. And maybe nothing is more practical than a discussion of the costs of your Georgia divorce!

Elsewhere in this blog about divorce in Augusta, Georgia, we have discussed how much in legal fees you may have to pay a divorce lawyer. Naturally, legal fees are just one of many potential costs in your Georgia divorce.

The court filing fee is another cost you should expect to pay. This is one cost that is required in both uncontested and contested divorces. Typically, the filing fee will be $80.00.

In addition, in contested divorces, there will typically be some court reporter fees, both for the temporary and final hearings. In addition, if your divorce lawyer takes any depositions, then you can expect to pay at least several hundred dollars, if not more, in court reporter costs alone.

Also, if child custody is at issue, then the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to investigate both spouses' homes while attempting to determine which spouse would make the best custodial parent. Guardian ad litems typically charge $500.00 initially, and frequently this initial cost is shared by the parties. Other guardian ad litem costs will depend on how much investigation is required.

Finally, many judges require the parties to go through mediation, if the parties cannot otherwise settle all the issues between them. Mediation may cost up to several hundred dollars.

So, you can see why contested divorces are so expensive! These are just some of the costs that you may have to pay in order to obtain your freedom! Have any of you experienced any expensive divorces? What happened to you in your divorce case?

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