Divorce Quiz No. 2: Celebrity Divorces--Most Expensive

The last time we had a celebrity divorce quiz, we dealt with which celebrity has had the most number of divorces. This time, the question of the day is: Which of the following celebrities divorces was the most expensive? (In other words, which of these celebrities paid the most to their spouse in order to settle their divorce?) Before you sneak a peak at the answers below, here are the celebrities randomly selected for this "quiz:"
(a) Rupert Murdoch; (b) Kenny Rogers; (c) Neil Diamond; (d) Harrison Ford; or (e) Michael Jordan?
Okay, here are the answers, counting down in order, from the "least expensive" celebrity divorce settlement to the "most expensive" divorce settlement, according to Wikipedia and numerous other sources:
5. Singer Kenny Rogers: $60 million (Kenny must "know when to fold 'em"--he got off the cheapest of this group of celebrities! On a trivia note, Kenny's ex-wife, Maryanne, was from one of my hometowns, Winterville, Georgia, where she and Kenny once also had a ranch/farm nearby);
4. Actor Harrison Ford: $118 million;
3. Singer Neil Diamond: $150 million;
2. Athlete Michael Jordan: $150 million; and
1. The "winner," or loser, of this celebrity divorce quiz, depending on how you look at it: Media Magnate Rupert Murdoch: $1.7 billion!
Now, don't these whopping divorce settlement figures make you feel different, (for better or for worse?!) about you own divorce settlement amount?!
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